
Nienaber A. (2017-2018) – together with Dr. Rose Narooz (Glasgow University): Overcoming Deficiencies through Trustworthy Networks: A Comparative Study between UK and Egypt Experiences in the Healthcare Sector; Newton Advanced Fellowship/ British Academy; £ 36,870


Egyptian health care system suffers from limited resources, dealing with the burden of illnesses associated with poverty, lack of education, growing population and most notably coping with dysfunctional and weak institutions (Ministry of health and population, Cairo, 2014). Egyptian government shares this burden with various stakeholders building networks [such as social alliances and partnerships]. This project aims are threefold (1) identification of deficiencies and strengths of health care sector in the two countries understudy(2) understanding and evaluating the process of network building and sustenance in both countries (3) building on the lessons learned from the NHS in the UK, with its long history of sustainable healthcare networks and well-established institutional context, to offer recommendations to the Egyptian health care on how to build sustainable healthcare networks-whereby trust is expected to play a vital role. Policy makers and practitioners within the Egyptian health care sector could capitalise on the experiences of these successful networks to cope with in.

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Prof. Dr. Ann-Marie Nienaber
Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behavior

Head of Research Group: Trust and Workplaces

Coventry University, United Kingdom
(Modern University of the Year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations